Priority before Party – A ruthless decision making

When you take decision to become an entrepreneur, you will have 10X more things to make decision that a normal average employee makes in general.

It will take no time for you to get decision fatigue and you need to skip and delegate many of those to “do the right thing”.


For example: 

  1. On Friday evening, you may go to a startup event happening at keonics or you can go pub in kormangala.
  2. On Saturday, you can meet your friends in the afternoon, have a good time, go to pub at night or you can spend afternoon coding, evening meeting different kind of entrepreneurs and wantapreneurs at draper house.
  3. On Sunday, you can sit and work on your product or you can go out on a long drive and comeback at night, sleep and start for your office next morning.

Clearly, both of them (Business/Entrepreneur side and the Employee) side will have different consequences on finance, value and future of the person.


And attending both is almost impossible due to shortage of time. To be in the right direction, one has to be ruthless and clear with what they want and make decision.

Almost Everyone likes to do party but very few people actually put work, future, connection and learning in priority to make things happen. It take a big gut to be “hated by your friend”, “have fewer/no friend” and mange to the sh*t that is needed to become a successful entrepreneur.

Is there a simple way to know what’s right without a rollercoaster emotion?

Yes, there is. I have found this myself while I was in college and took decisions that were important to college and career. I was fine being a boring among my classmates over the goal I had in my mind.

It worked out pretty well. Here is the secret.

Take decisions that help your long-term Goal and ignore everything. 

The way I would do this will be

  1. Friday: No party, but meeting founder or high-profile executives and managers from the same industry
  2. Saturday: No outing but meeting people at the event. Often wantrepreneurs and entrepreneurs (At Draper house, I often find a few good leads)
  3. Sunday: Watching a documentary that associates with my vision  (A bigger problem: World War) or movie/web series related to business.

While doing this, I become a very boring person in people’s eyes and a cheap guy in front of people who spend money from their credit cards to show off but I also become very closer to the best process I must do to become a good entrepreneur. I would like to be myself, go to business meetups, meet executives, and get a bigger perspective to solve bigger problems.

These things are way more valuable to me that a couple of drinks in a pub(which I don’t enjoy) or meeting babes for short-term pleasure.

I am a ruthless decision maker and people hate me in short term and probably love me in long term.


Some of the content I love right now

  1.  My First Million

Web Series/Movie I want to see when i get free time

  1. Silicon Valley (Watched, Tech Startup Culture, VC Culture)
  2. Suits (Good for business strategy, legality, and consequences awareness)


What I am currently focused on on 16th Oct 2022?

MixCommerce – A wholesome marketing suite that helps SMBs and SMEs simplify marketing, sales and support.