Rana Jayant is computer science engineer and a freelancer web designer in Hyderabad, India. Using his web design and online marketing skills, he ranks his client for 2,300+ keywords on Google, India, 30000+ keywords in USA, almost 1400+ keywords in Canada. He is keen in supporting small medium businesses and visionary entrepreneurs with a small team.
How it works?





Website Management
Business Website
Feature Application
Custom Application
Tech Stack!
Technology doesn’t matter if business goals are met correctly with efficiency. I use technologies that are used by millions of people on the internet and capable to be be reliable in production. From using normal HTML, CSS, JS to building dynamic traffic heavy sites on MongoDB, React, Express and NodeJS I use advanced and reliable technologies.
- JS
- jQuery
- NodeJS
- Express
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- D3
- WordPress
- Shopify
- Openkart
- Drupal
- Google Cloud
- Drupal
- Dgital Ocean
- Oracle Cloud
- Cloudflare
Web Design will not help if you do not have a marketing plan.
If you aren't sure, I will help you with that.

How to get started?
with a simple business analysis is a general discussion to understand the USP and business positioning in the industry. It is done by analyzing the active and passive competitors in the business space to define the audience taste and opportunities.
- Project Analysis
- Project Planning
- Websites Design
- Website Development
- Security & Backup
- Deployment
- Updates
Web Design will not help if you do not have a marketing plan.
If you aren't sure, I will help you with that.

Request a Call/Quote